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Oriole (Beside 313) #01-01, Pan Pacific Serviced Apt

I am all excited about this place when my friend told me that the coffee/food/drinks/desserts here are 'to-die-for'. Here we are at this cafe restaurant bar, whatever you can call it.
While waiting for my friends to arrive, which took them about 30minutes, I really can't stand the temptations when the waitresses walked pass me with all the food and everything that smell so good.
So I ordered a cup of Mint Chocolate, which i am so hooked with eversince i had 1 at Coffee bean. By the way, Coffee bean does not have any more Mint Chocolate *SAD*...
This one did not fail me. It gives me hope..haha..I have somewhere to go when I want good Mint Cho drink!!! Whohoooo....I can't help but finish this drink within like 5 minutes?? Sip after sip, which i can't bring myself to stop. ..
My friends all came.. We started to order food and more drinks. This is Ice mocha. Well, I am not a coffee person, but the coffee here in general is very smooth. Not yucky and bitter and hard to drink, I guess only non coffee drinker will understand what i mean.
I ordered this Beef cheek pasta. I never knew that Beef cheek is so so so tender and soft. Nice sauce too! Not too expensive, $15

This sandwich, named as oriole burger, is also a WoW...The angus beef is like layered so thickly that they are thicker than the bread!! The cheese layer is also very thick and rich. Sauce is like cameralized onion kind of sauce. Overall very nice. Beef a little too much though, haha..Think because of the big amount of 100% angus beef, this dish cost $24. =)

We also ordered Spicy Calamari, oh that one is ok only. They are the beer battered type, the flour taste is too overpowering for me, so i did not really enjoy the dish. $13 bucks.

This drink is Pineapple Caipirinha, very sour, good for digestion. cost $15, rather ok for a quality cocktail.

GREAT GREAT food and drinks. Will definitely return for more!!!